Manufacterer: WALTER
Model: Helitronic Power
Year: 1996
Control: HMC 400 CNC
X-Axis movement: 400 mm
Y-Axis movement: 250 mm
Z-Axis movement: 580 mm
C-Axis (table rotation): +/- 200 °
Maximum diameter grinding wheel: ø 200 mm
Spindle speed (Grinding): 3000 / 6000 1/Min.
Length: 1420 mm
Width: 2010 mm
Height: 2150 mm
Weight: 3100 kg
Designed with a fixed length actuation system that ensures the collet is held stationary. Allowing the collet chuck to be used in bar feeding operations and highly accurate second operations. Klamp DHF collet chucks are suitable for collets which hav...
Mirlon is a flexible,three dimensional fibre sanding material that provides an excellent surface finish.
Due to its special structure mirlon is easy to use in profiled surfaces and creates an excellent b...